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拉斯穆森的札記 / The Journals of Knud Rasmussen

拉斯穆森的札記 / The Journals of Knud Rasmussen

導演 / Director:扎卡里亞斯.庫努克 / Zacharias Kunuk
國別 / Country:加拿大、丹麥 / Canada, Denmark
年份 / Year:2006
長度 / Length:1h 52m
分級 / Rating:保護級 / PG

扎卡里亞斯.庫努克 / Zacharias Kunuk

扎卡里亞斯.庫努克,加拿大首間因紐特人的伊思碼獨立製片公司(因紐特語Isuma為思想之意)的聯合創辦人兼總裁,以其電影領域的卓越作品而聞名。他的首部長片《冰原快跑人》於2001年坎城影展獲金攝影機獎。庫努克的電影製作之路始於1981年,當時他擁有北極地區的第一台攝像機,此後陸續製作了多部短片、紀錄片,其作品在全球多個地點展出,包括加拿大國家美術館和紐約現代藝術博物館,其中,長片《諾亞.皮加圖克的一天》(2019)獲得溫哥華國際電影節最佳加拿大影片獎,動畫短片《Angakusajaujuq: The Shaman's Apprentice》(2021)獲得多倫多國際電影節最佳加拿大短片獎。

Zacharias Kunuk, co-founder and president of Igloolik Isuma Productions, Canada's first Inuit-owned independent production company, is renowned for his work in film. His debut feature, Atanarjuat The Fast Runner, won the Camera d'Or at Cannes 2001. Kunuk began his filmmaking journey in 1981 with the Arctic's first video camera. His works include short dramas as well as documentaries, among others. His films have been showcased globally, including at the National Gallery of Canada and New York's MoMA. His feature film One Day in the Life of Noah Piugattuk (2019) won the Best Canadian Film Award at the Vancouver International Film Festival, and his Canadian animated short film Angakusajaujuq: The Shaman's Apprentice (2021) won the Best Canadian Short Film at the Toronto International Film Festival Award.  





Iglulik. Real people, actual events.

The great shaman, Avva, and his family are living on the land some distance from Iglulik, his home community that lately has taken up the teachings of Christian missionaries.

Explorer/adventurer Knud Rasmussen pays Avva a visit, accompanied by two fellow Danes.

Rasmussen hears and records Avva’s life story and that of his wife Orulu.

Their son, Natar, impulsively agrees to guide them north to Iglulik.

After a celebration, Rasmussen leaves to head west while Avva, facing strong headwinds, sets out with his family and guests en route for home, but his beautiful daughter, Apak, has troubling dreams about the road ahead.

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